Manage your staff account

On this page:

Use this topic to help you view and edit your account. To manage accounts for other staff members, see Staff (district and school managers only).

Staff account basics

Each staff member has an account within mySciLEARN that includes the following information:

  • Name
  • Staff role (click View Role Details to see the permissions for your assigned staff role)
  • Schools (all schools if you are a district manager)
  • Login email (username)
  • Password (encrypted format only)
  • Employee ID, if any
  • Any additional information, if any
  • A print button to print the account information
  • An Edit button to edit the account details

When you log in to mySciLEARN as a staff member, you can access your staff account from several places within the system. For steps on logging in see Log in as a staff member.

  • From the My Account link at the top of any page
  • From the My Account link on the Staff page

Edit your staff account

You can edit the following information in your staff account.

  • Name
  • Login email (requires that you log in again)
  • Password
  • Employee ID
  • Additional Information 1 and 2

For steps on resetting a lost or forgotten password, see Reset your staff password.

  1. Log in to mySciLEARN.
  2. Access your account one of the following ways:
  3. At the top of any page, My Account link.
  4. Click the Staff tab and then click the My Account link on right side of the Staff page.
  5. On your account page, click the Edit button.
  6. Make any changes to the account information as needed and click Save.
  7. If you changed your login email, the system will log you out automatically to apply the changes. You’ll need to log back in using your new login email.

Reset your staff password

Each staff member has a specific staff login that provides access to mySciLEARN. This staff login includes two items (for more details see Log in as a staff member).

  • Login email (username). This is the staff member's email address that was entered into the system when the staff member’s account was created. This item can also be viewed within the staff member’s profile (see The staff profile).
  • Password. This is a unique alphanumeric code created by the staff member through a link in their account confirmation email. Passwords must be at least six characters, contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. For security purposes, staff passwords are not archived anywhere in the system.

You can reset your own password as needed; for example, if you’ve lost or forgotten your password, or you’d like to change your current password for security reasons. At minimum, you'll need your login email to reset your password. If you’ve forgotten which email address you're using as your login email, contact your system administrator or Scientific Learning Customer Support for assistance.

What you'll need:

  • To reset a lost or forgotten password: your login email
  • To change your password: your login email and your current password

Reset your lost or forgotten staff password

  1. Open the Staff Login page for mySciLEARN on a web browser.
  2. Click the Forgot Your Password link in the lower right corner.
  3. Enter your login email in the Login Email field.
  4. Your login email is your actual email address. If you're not sure which email address you're using with mySciLEARN, contact your administrator (either a district manager or a school manager). He or she can access your staff profile to look up your login email and then send it to you.

  5. Click Send Reset Instructions.
  6. A confirmation screen appears, indicating that the system sent you an email with a link that allows you to create a new password. Follow the instructions in the email to create the password. The password must be at least six characters, contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. When the new password is created, you can use it immediately.

Change your current staff password

  1. Log in to mySciLEARN and access your account one of the following ways:
  2. At the top of any page, My Account link.
  3. Click the Staff tab and then click the My Account link on right side of the Staff page.
  4. On your account page, click the Edit button.
  5. Follow the instructions to enter your new password and confirm it, and click Save.
  6. The password must be at least six characters, contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. The next time you log in, you will be able to use your new password.