Automate the Update feature (advanced)

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About update automation

For system administrators who maintain thousands of students across large schools or districts, updating student information in mySciLEARN can be an almost daily task. To facilitate this process, mySciLEARN lets you automate the Update feature to run on a regular basis, keeping your mySciLEARN students up-to-date and in sync with your student information system (SIS).

For example, you can create a script that gets the latest student information from your SIS, formats it as a CSV file, and runs a command to securely upload that information to mySciLEARN, where it's processed as a regular student update. When the update completes, you'll receive an email with the results, including any errors.

Using the commands

mySciLEARN provides three endpoints that let you remotely manage student updates from the command line: start, status, and cancel. Access these endpoints using cURL. All three endpoints require authentication and use HTTP over SSL encryption. Follow these tips:

  • Run the updates at night or on the weekends, when your students are not using the product.
  • Capture the command line output in a log file for later reference.

What you'll need

  • A district manager staff account for mySciLEARN, which includes a login email and password. If you don't have one, contact a mySciLEARN district manager and have them add an account for you. Use an email address suitable for receiving ongoing status emails.
  • Your mySciLEARN district server name. To find it, log in to mySciLEARN and click the Manage tab. The URL will start with your server name. For example, the server name in is ondemand4.
  • A CSV file with your student information that conforms to our format requirements. See Step 2 – Edit and format the CSV file.


This command uses an HTTP POST request to submit your student information to the mySciLEARN district server, which sends an email with the job results. Enter the CSV filename (and path as needed), your district manager credentials (login email and password), and the district servername; for example, ondemand4.

You can run either of these commands to start the update (if one does not work in your environment, try the other):

curl -F file=@filename.csv -F login=login email -F password=password

Example: curl -F file=@studentupdate.csv -F -F password=1234Abcd

curl --form file=@filename.csv --form login=login email --form password=password

Example: curl --form file=@studentupdate.csv --form --form password=1234Abcd


This command checks the status of your last update job: completed, still running, or canceled. Note that completed updates may include students who were not updated due to errors.

You can run either of these commands to check the status (if one does not work in your environment, try the other):

curl -F login=login email -F password=password

Example: curl -F -F password=1234Abcd

curl --form login=login email --form password=password

Example: curl --form --form password=1234Abcd


This command cancels your current update job, if one is actively running. The server sends an email with the canceled job results. Note that the command only cancels the update for students that are still in the queue waiting to be processed; students that have already been updated when you run this command will remain updated.

You can run either of these commands to check the status (if one does not work in your environment, try the other):

curl -F login=login email -F password=password

Example: curl -F -F password=1234Abcd

curl --form login=login email --form password=password

Example: curl --form --form password=1234Abcd