Manage licenses for your students

On this page:

About license management

As an instructor, use the Manage Licenses option on the Students page to manage how your students use the Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant Plus product licenses. To manage licenses at the higher levels see Manage licenses for your district (district managers) and Manage licenses for your school (school managers). For more information on licenses see About licenses.

The Manage Licenses option lets you control how your students use new product licenses and Support Package agreements. For example, let’s say your Fast ForWord product licenses are expiring at the end of the year, and you need to purchase more licenses for next year.

  • If you buy a site license, the system will automatically move your students to the new license the next time they use the Fast ForWord product, on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • If you buy per student licenses, the system lets you decide which students should be moved, and then lets you manually move those students to the new licenses as needed.

To move an individual student or a group of students to a new license, see the rest of this topic. If you’re a school manager, you can move all of the students on one school license to another using the Manage licenses for your school feature.

Note: You can only move students to licenses and agreements for the same product. For example, let’s say you have a group of students who are using the Fast ForWord product. You can move those students from one Fast ForWord license to another Fast ForWord license, but you cannot move those students to a Reading Assistant Plus license. To let your students to use another licensed product, simply assign that product to those students (see Fast ForWord assignments andReading Assistant Plus assignments).

Manage licenses for an individual student from their profile

  1. In mySciLEARN Manage section, click the Students tab to access the Students page.
  2. Locate your student in the students list. See The students list.
  3. Click the student’s name to open that student’s profile and view the Assignments panel.
  4. Note: A warning icon appears next to the License button if the student is using an expired license or agreement, or if all of the available licenses and agreements for a product are expired. If there are no available licenses to manage, the button turns gray and cannot be used. Check with your school manager or district manager for details about the licenses at your school.

  5. Click the License button next to the product with the license you want to manage.
  6. The Manage Licenses screen opens and shows all of the valid licenses and Support Package agreements for that product. If the student’s current license is valid (not expired), it appears in the dialog highlighted in yellow. The same is true for the student’s Support Package.

    Tip: If you are moving the student to a per student license, make sure that you have an available per student license and/or Support Package for the student.

  7. Choose the new product license, or skip this step if you are simply moving the student to a new Support Package.
  8. The system checks to see if there is a Support Package available for the new product license and adds it to the list, if needed.

  9. Choose the new Support Package.
  10. The Details link lets you see a list of all students at the school who are currently linked to that Support Package.

  11. Click Apply.
  12. The student is moved to the new product license and/or Support Package agreement and can immediately start training.

Manage licenses for one or more students from the Students page

  1. In mySciLEARN Manage section, click the Students tab to access the Students page.
  2. Select the group with your students.
  3. Your students must be in a group to manage licenses from the Students page. See Manage student groups. To locate your group, use the Browse by School and Filter by My Groups options on the left of the Students page.

  4. Select the checkbox next to your students, or select the All checkbox at the top of the students list to select all of the students on the screen.
  5. From the More Actions menu at the top of the students list, select the menu item based on the product your students are using (if there are no available licenses or agreements for a product, that menu item does not appear):
    • For Fast ForWord students, select Manage FFW Licenses.
    • For Reading Assistant Plus students, select Manage RA Licenses.
  6. The Manage Licenses screen opens and displays all of the valid licenses for that product, along with a list of the students to be moved. You can copy and paste this list into a text file for later use as needed.

  7. Choose the new product license, or choose the current product license if you are simply moving them to a new Support Package .
  8. The system checks to see if there is a Support Package available for that license and adds that Support Package to the list:

  9. Choose the new Support Package.
  10. The Details link lets you see a list of all students at the school who are currently linked to that Support Package.

  11. Click Apply.
  12. All of the students are moved to the new product license and/or Support Package agreement and can immediately start training.

Troubleshoot license management

Use this table to help troubleshoot any issues you may have. If you still have questions or concerns, contact Scientific Learning Customer Support for assistance.



When managing site licenses, the Quantity number is smaller than the Used number (I see a quantity of 1 license, with 351 used).

Can you explain what these numbers mean?

With site licenses, here’s how the numbers work:

  • Quantity shows the total number of product site licenses with the same start and end dates. Usually this number is 1, because schools don’t often have more than one site license for the same product with the same terms.
  • Used shows the number of students using the site license. This number is usually larger than the Quantity, and is generally only limited by the number of students at your school.

Per student licenses look a little different:

  • Quantity shows the total number of per student licenses for the product. This number is usually large, because schools often purchase multiple per students licenses for a product at the same time with the same terms.
  • Used shows the number of students using the available per student licenses. This number is always lower than or equal to the Quantity.

I have a perpetual site license at my school with a corresponding Support Package. When I look at the License section, it shows that I have zero (0) available agreements for the site license.

What’s going on?

For site licenses, the number that appears for “Available” or “Avail Qty” does not relate to the use of licenses or agreements by your students. Instead it indicates number of Support Package agreements available for transfer at the district level. See Manage licenses for your district to learn more about transferring licenses (district managers only).

As long as the Support Package is valid and the Quantity field shows 1 or more, your students will be able to use the product site license.

My school has a perpetual product license that we’ve been using along with a Support Package that just expired. How do I move my students to our new Support Package?

If your new Support Package is for a site license, you don’t need to do anything; the students will automatically move to the new site license when they start using the product.

If your new Support Package is for per student licenses, use the Manage Licenses feature at the school, group, or student level to choose which students will get the new agreements. If you don’t see the Support Package in the Manage Licenses dialog, try choosing the current product license first.

My school had a product license that expired last year. We just purchased a new product license, and now I want to move the students that were on the original license to the new one.

However, I don’t see the original expired license on the Schools Licenses screen and there’s no Manage button for it. What should I do?

Expired product licenses are removed from the School view after six months, so it’s not possible to manage them at the school level.

  • If you purchased a site license, you don’t need to do anything; the students will automatically move to the new site license when they start using the product.
  • If you purchased per student licenses, use Manage Licenses feature at the group or student level to choose which students will get the new licenses. See Manage licenses for your students.