Reading Assistant Plus interventions

When intervening with a student, make sure the student clearly understands the task of the exercise. Ask the student to explain the exercise to you. Do they understand the expectations of the exercise, and how to use the mouse or keyboard? Ask: Can you tell me what this exercise wants you to do?

Comprehension intervention

If the student is struggling with comprehension, provide the student with a checklist of activities to complete before taking the quiz in a reading selection. For example:

  • Step 1: Preview & Read – Listen to the selection and read along at least two times. Then read the selection silently all the way through at least one time. When you are finished, see how much of the selection you can remember.
  • Step 3: Take the Quiz – Review the selection before you begin answering questions.

Have the student complete the following student checklists for a selection, as needed:

Fluency intervention

If the student is struggling with fluency, provide the student with a checklist of activities to complete in the first two steps. For example:

  • Step 1: Preview & Read – Listen and read along at least two times for each selection. Try reading aloud while you listen to the reading. Then choose the sentences that are difficult to read and listen to the model reading. Practice reading the sentences at the same rate and with the same expression.
  • Step 2: Read and Record – Think about what each sentence means as you read it aloud. Play your recordings and find any sentences you did not read fluently. Then practice reading those sentences. After each recording, listen to and practice reading words that are marked in red or blue.

Have the student complete the following student checklists for a selection, as needed: